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Here's my story...

Meet Chassidy, a 35-year-old woman who has overcome a series of formidable challenges in her life. From a young age, Chassidy faced the devastating effects of sexual abuse, endured the complexities of the foster care system, and battled with drug addiction and self-esteem issues. Her struggles with relationships only perpetuated her cycle of pain.​​At the age of 25, Chassidy faced a breaking point when she was raped. Determined to change her circumstances and never suffer again, she embarked on a transformative journey of self-healing. She embraced various healing modalities and personal development practices, drawing on her resilience and inner strength. Driven by her own experiences and fueled by a newfound purpose, Chassidy immersed herself in the study and practice of reiki, an ancient Japanese energy healing technique. With each step forward, she began to heal the wounds that had plagued her for so long, embracing her own intuitive gifts along the way.​​Today, Chassidy stands as an intuitive reiki healer, radiating compassion, wisdom, and resilience. She has not only reclaimed her life but has dedicated herself to supporting and empowering others on their own healing journeys. Chassidy's remarkable story serves as a powerful reminder that our past does not define us. With determination, self-belief, and a commitment to healing, we have the power to rise above adversity and create a life filled with love, joy, and purpose.​Chassidy's journey is a testament to the incredible strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of self-love and healing. Through her work as a reiki practitioner, she offers hope, guidance, and the tools for others to discover their own path to healing and personal growth. Her story inspires us to embrace our own resilience and reminds us that it's never too late to rewrite our narratives and create a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.

About Me
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